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HomeWhat Is Coaching?

What Is Coaching?

The ICF defines coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.

Coaching honors the client as the expert in his/her life and work and believes that every client is creative, resourceful, and whole.

Professional coaching brings many wonderful benefits such as:
  • Fresh perspectives on personal challenges
  • Enhanced decision-making skills
  • Greater interpersonal effectiveness
  • Increased confidence
  • And more!

Those who undertake coaching also can expect appreciable improvement in productivity, satisfaction with life and work, and the attainment of relevant goals.

Professional coaches provide an ongoing partnership designed to help clients produce fulfilling results in their personal and professional lives. Ultimately, coaches help people improve their performances and enhance the quality of their lives.

Coaches are trained to listen, to observe and to customize their approach to individual client needs. They seek to elicit solutions and strategies from the client; they believe the client is naturally creative and resourceful. The coach’s job is to provide support to enhance the skills, resources, and creativity that the client already has.

Visit the International Coaching Federation to learn more about coaching and the latest research.

Learn More About Coaching

What is an ICF Credential? 

An ICF Credential is a professional certification indicating that you have met specific standards and requirements designed to develop and refine your coaching skills. It is an indication that you are dedicated to upholding strong principles of ethical behavior in coaching.  An ICF Credential shows your clients and peers that you are committed to the coaching industry and to developing yourself as a coaching professional.

Holding a credential – especially an ICF Credential – is extremely important to today’s coaching clients. The 2022 Global Consumer Awareness Study found that 85% of coaching clients say it’s important or very important that their coach holds a certification or credential. Earning an ICF Credential provides you with instant credibility and increased visibility to prospective clients.
ICF offers three credentials, corresponding with the quantity of education and experience required to earn it:
  • Associate Certified Coach (ACC) – Completed 60 hours of coach specific education and 100 hours of client coaching experience
  • Professional Certified Coach (PCC) – Completed 125 hours of coach specific education and 500 hours of client coaching experience
  • Master Certified Coach (MCC) – Hold or have held a PCC Credential, completed 200 hours of coach specific education and 2,500 hours of client coaching experience

. Learn More about Credentialing

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ICF New Mexico Charter Chapter
is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization for professional coaches serving the State of New Mexico.
Mailing Address:
1209 Mountain Road Place NE, #4358
Albuquerque, NM 87110