Whether you’re a seasoned professional coach or someone looking to enhance your coaching skills, our community welcomes you with open arms. By becoming an ICF New Mexico member, you’ll not only gain access to our vibrant community but also enjoy exclusive discounts on our events and offerings.

How to Work with (Almost) Anyone- Michael Bungay Stanier


Happiness and success depends on working relationships. The people you manage. Your boss. Key collaborators. Important clients.

We tend to leave the fate of these relationships to chance. We cross our fingers … and hope for the best.

There’s a better way.

In this practical and interactive session, you'll see how you can build the best possible working relationship with anyone (well, almost anyone)—and help your clients do the same.

You will leave with a renewed optimism about the quality of working relationships, a determination to actively manage them, and a plan to get things started.

1.5 Resource Development – CCEs can be awarded even if people do not attend live (because it is RD credits only)

$15 – $20