
Questions? Need Assistance with Events?
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Business Building Accountability Group: 2nd Wednesday of the month
Dec 8 @ 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM

Our Business Building Accountability Groups are running like clockwork! We continue to check in with our progress against our goals and where we could use some help. This has led to discussions where we’ve been learning social media tips from each other, providing feedback on each other’s websites, providing resources to each other, and sharing marketing ideas and insights. There’s still room in both groups. Members, associates and those not affiliated with ICFNM are welcome. Upon registration you’ll receive links to orientation materials and the facilitator will reach out to you. Groups are limited to 10 people per group.

Facilitator: Gail Summers

Date: Second Wednesday of the month
Time: 3:00 – 4:30pm
Location: Conducted via Zoom

CCEUs: 1.0 in Resource Development

Cost: Free for members / $10 for non-members

Race Matters in Coaching
Aug 1 @ 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM

Hosted by the ICF Washington State Chapter

This mini-workshop intends to raise awareness about obstacles that keep us from having meaningful race-related conversations in coaching spaces. The workshop offers an introduction to strategies and an opportunity to engage in dialogue with the aim of increasing equity and inclusion in the coaching community. You will leave this workshop with a better awareness of what stops you from engaging in conversations about race, equity, inclusion, and related topics.

The outcome of this workshop will be a beginning awareness of what stops you from speaking so that you can make more conscious choices about where and how you want to have conversations about race, diversity, and the like. We aim to support self-exploration that lays the foundation for transformative change.

CCEUs: 1.5 in Resource Development

Sliding scale: $33, $25, $15
Non-members: $5 more


There are two steps to registering for the event:
1) After registering for the event, you will receive a zoom registration link.
2) Please use the zoom registration link to register and obtain your zoom meeting link.

About Cami McLaren, presenter

Cami McLaren has been coaching professionally since 2008. She is certified as a Professional Performance Coach and credentialed by the International Coaching Federation with the MCC designation. Cami specializes in individual and group coaching, as well as in-house corporate coaching and a vast array of public workshops.

Since 2019, Cami has been training people to become professional coaches, both as a career path and as a way of becoming “coach-style leaders” in their organizations, in her Transformative Coaching Essentials program. ( Most recently she has been developing “next level” trainings for coaches.

About MK Chavez, presenter

MK Chavez is a certified coach, educator, and trainer. She/They is an Afro-Latinx advocate dedicated to social justice work. Over the last three decades, she has been involved in the non-profit world, in various roles, including executive director and senior director of diversity, equity, and Inclusion, and senior director of education and training.

Her professional training includes certification from the McLaren Transformative Coaching program, a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Workplace Certificate issued by USF Office of Corporate Training and Professional Education, and a certification in Positive Intelligence Coaching. She aligns her coaching and teaching practices with real-world scenarios, thus offering more relevant and practical opportunities. She coaches individuals and teams who are leading organizations through systemic and programmatic change.