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Creating Connection Through Conversational Intelligence
May 24 @ 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM

Did you know that 9 out of 10 conversations miss their mark (Stanford University Study), resulting in assumptions, poor interpretations and negative judgements?

After an intense conversation, professionally or personally, have you ever felt confused, frustrated, fearful or thought “What just happened?” Or conversely, have you thought what an amazing experience the conversation was in itself, feeling elated and connected?

Creating Connection Through Conversational Intelligence“Conversational Intelligence (C-IQ),” the work of Judith E. Glaser, invites us to harness the chemistry of language in order to have productive, healthy conversations, even in the most challenging situations. The quality of our conversations actually stimulates hormones in the body – oxytocin, the bonding, trust-building hormone, or cortisol, the stress and reactivity hormone.  Through practical C-IQ tools, we can learn to up regulate oxytocin, increasing trust and connection, and down regulate cortisol to create conversations that truly matter and get results.

In this workshop, we will explore:

  • An introduction to Conversational Intelligence.
  • A basic understanding of the neuroscience behind effective and ineffective conversations.
  • Specific speaking practices to create trusting and empowering conversations.

Please come with curiosity and a willingness to engage!

“Change your conversations and you change your life and business.” – Judith E. Glaser


Kymberly JohnsonSPEAKER: Kymberly Johnson, PCC

A lifetime of climbing mountains and engaging with the wilderness has taught me the power of
awareness, centered presence, and skill in action, all of which inform my Coaching with Leaders facing the global challenges of our times. Who must we be, what capacities must we embody to be that eye of the storm, to be able to navigate and innovate responsibly in the midst of chaos and change?

Through Coaching and Facilitation, I partner with Leaders to create impact in such a world – to lead from an ever widening mindset, to build trusting relationships professionally and personally, and to command an emotionally and conversationally intelligent way of being that inspires cultures of trust, connection and innovation. As a coach certified to bring the art and science of “Conversational Intelligence” to the world, I work with Leaders to become masterful in conversations – “Change your conversations and you change your life and business.” (Judith Glaser)

My exploration of human potential continues to be a life long journey. From founding and directing the Animas Valley Waldorf School, to co-leading Vision Quests in the wilderness, to delivering performance and leadership training for culture change in organizations, I bring extensive experience in human transformation and performance to everyone I coach.

In 2000 I became certified as a Co-Active Coach with the Coaches Training Institute, was certified and became a Program Coach and Ontological Coach Trainer with the Newfield Network in 2003, and am a Coaching Excellence in Organizations Executive Coach from the Institute for Generative Leadership. Holding the designation of Professional Certified Coach with the International Coach Federation, I have supported Leaders in organizations including The National Park Service, UPS, The LA Times, Texas Department of Transportation, NASA JPL, Ecotech Engineering, Assurant and more.

Fueled by an inspired and adventuresome spirit, I stay engaged with my beloved earth and her peoples in climbing mountains, backcountry skiing, hiking and exploring cultures in far away lands.


September 2017: Coaching on Topics You Hate
Sep 21 @ 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM

North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center
7521 Carmel Ave NE
Albuquerque, NM 87113

CCEUs: 1.5 in Core Competencies

“I could use your help in exploring an issue …” As your client names the issue, you suppress a groan and feel a sinking pit in your stomach. Your shoulders slouch and you start thinking of colleagues you could refer your client to. Your client has just named a topic that you hate to coach on.

thumbs up and down

In this session, we’ll explore what’s evoked in you when that dreaded topic comes up. By understanding your own assumptions and beliefs about that topic, you’ll learn ways to support yourself and your client in the coaching session.

Elizabeth RollAbout Elizabeth Roll
Elizabeth A. Roll, PCC, is an internal coach at Sandia National Laboratories. With over twenty years of experience in the business world, Elizabeth has collaborated with many different leaders on a wide range of projects and initiatives, spanning the breadth of business functions.

The foundation of Elizabeth’s coaching is an understanding of human psychology and group dynamics, developed through her training at the Gestalt Institute of Cleveland. She combines her business experience with this training to deeply engage her clients in exploring their work, hone their leadership, and reach their goals.

Elizabeth has participated in training programs at the Gestalt Institute of Cleveland since 2011 where she received training for her ACTP coaching certification and earned a Gestalt Professional Coach Certification (GPCC™). She holds a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) credential from the International Coach Federation, and is a Board Certified Coach (BCC). Elizabeth’s undergraduate degree is from Bryn Mawr College, and she received her MBA from the University of Michigan Ross School of Business.



ICFNM Chapter Refund Policies
Payment registration to meetings, virtual programs and events are non-refundable and non-transferable.


January 2018 – Strengths-Based Coaching: Inspiring the Best in Your Clients
Jan 24 @ 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM

Date: January 24, 2018

Arrive/Network – 4:00-4:30pm
Program – 4:30-6:00pm

The BioScience Center
5901 Indian School Rd NE
Albuquerque, NM 87110

CCEUs: 1 in Core Competencies and 0.5 in Resource Development


As coaches, we work to bring out the best in our clients because we know it is the path to greater success, meaning, and satisfaction.

But how do we help clients determine what their best is?  Have you ever asked a client “what do you do best?” or “what are your strengths?” and gotten a blank stare or “I don’t know”?  Or heard their response and wondered if it was accurate?

What if you had a quick way to cut through the confusion and confidently help clients identify and develop their innate talents?

strengths based coaching

Come to this fun, experiential and community-building workshop to find out.

At it, you will:

  1. Learn your own top 5 natural talents
  2. Practice coaching a colleague to explore and develop their strengths
  3. Receive strengths-based coaching on a current challenge
  4. Discuss with colleagues best practices and tips for using strengths in coaching

We will be using the Gallup’s Top 5 CliftonStrengths assessment for this hands-on workshop.  Please go online and take this $19.99 personal assessment prior to this workshop:


sara-douglasAbout Sara Douglas

Sara Douglas, MBA, PCC is an innovative, versatile and results-focused coach delivering coaching and leadership programs in business, the public sector and nonprofit organizations.  She is a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) with 30+ years of real world leadership experience in the corporate, entrepreneurial and nonprofit sectors.  Drawing on the above, she provides clients with practical tools and approaches together with state-of-the-art leadership development practices.

Based in Albuquerque, Sara provides executive coaching to managers from first level to executive and group leadership, team building and coaching programs.  She completed her coach training at CTI and is a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC).  She is also an active member of the New Mexico coaching community, having served in multiple ICF New Mexico leadership roles since 2013

Connect Your Inner Self with Your Outer Work:
From Reactive to Reflective Awareness
Mar 21 @ 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM

Date: March 21, 2018

4:00-4:30pm: Arrival/Networking
4:30-6:00pm: Program

CCEUs: 1 in Core Competencies and 0.5 in Resource Development

North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center
7521 Carmel Ave NE, Albuquerque, NM 87113

The deepest, most demanding conversations for coaches are the ones they have with themselves. This session is for coaches who want to pay even more attention to themselves and to their clients as well as overcome anxiety or anger during challenging conversations. You’ll learn about the brain’s natural negativity, how to be less reactive to others, acting more calmly and definitively, and maintaining mental focus and concentration during coaching. Plus, we’ll practice having fun while coaching with awareness skills.

This program focuses on the ICF Core Competency of Creating Awareness:  Integrating and accurately evaluating multiple sources of information, and making interpretations that help the client to gain awareness and thereby achieve agreed-upon results.

  1. State three facts about the brain.
  2. List three benefits of creating awareness through mindfulness.
  3. Practice awareness with self.
  4. Practice awareness with another person in a mock coaching session.

Suzanne KryderAbout Suzanne Kryder

Suzanne Kryder is a neuroleadership trainer and coach who blends leadership development with an understanding of how the mind works. Her book, The Mind to Lead, explains her leadership coaching model on being calm, confident, and powerful. She has a PhD from the University of New Mexico and graduated from the Corporate Coaching Program, an ICF-accredited program in 2001. She is a co-founder and host of the award-winning public radio series, Peace Talks Radio, and has practiced mindfulness meditation since 1985.


Ontological Coaching in Theory and Action
Apr 19 @ 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM

Date: April 19, 2018

4:00-4:30pm – Arrival, Sign-in, Networking
4:30-6:00pm – Program

North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center
7521 Carmel Ave NE
Albuquerque, NM 87113

CCEUs: 1.5 in Core Competencies


see-the-worldHow do you “see” the world? Does how you “see” the world matter? Or, is the world just what it is and we “see” it as it is? These are questions that ontological coaching explores, and are the tools of the ontological coach.

In this fun, informative, and thought provoking workshop ICF Master Certified Coach (MCC) Croft Edwards explores the ontological coaching methodology and how it can be applied by coaches.

Among other things, the workshop will:

  • Explore the concept of the Observer and how we see the world.
  • Explore and define ontological coaching and how it applies in coaching conversations.
  • Explore the domains of Language, Moods/Emotions, and the the Body and how they influence how we “see” the world.
  • Explore the distinction of breakdowns and how they apply to transformational coaching.
  • Experience and practice core ontological coaching distinctions and how they apply in coaching.

So bring your observer and add some powerful distinctions to your coaching by attending this workshop.

CCEUs: 1.5 in Core Competencies

Croft Edwards, is a Master Certified Coach, President of CROFT + Company, and author of the recently released book LeadershipFlow | Perfectly Square: A Story About Learning to Lead and Transforming a Company and the genesis behind LeadershipFlow, the study of how to help individuals and organizations be at their best. He has been helping leaders and their teams find their Flow since 2001 in a variety of fields: mining, refining, government agencies, sovereign nations, manufacturing, start-ups, small businesses, and healthcare. Two miles down in a mine or up on the 8th floor, Croft coaches wherever there are leaders who desire a different result.


Storytelling in Coaching
Sep 4 @ 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM

Speaker: Matilde Machiavello

Date: September 4, 2018

4:00-4:30 Arrival, sign-in, networking
4:30-6:00 Program

North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center
7521 Carmel Ave. NE
Albuquerque, NM 87113
Classroom 1

CCEUs: 1.5 in Core Competencies


This is an invitation to explore the what, why, when and how of the application of one of the most ancient tools: “storytelling” in coaching.

We are all storytellers. We all have stories to share, stories we live by, and stories we create.

Storytelling in Coaching

When facing challenges with a client on a coaching session, we dive into our brains in search of that particular question, quote or word that will tap the right key to bring out the resource our client needs to move forward to reaching the set goal.

Amazingly, sharing a story does the trick!

Jump into our session and find out for yourself!


Matilde Machiavello is an Educator, Keynote Speaker, Workshop Leader, Outdoor Team Coach, Business & Life Coach, and Professional Storyteller.

Her twenty or more years of experience as an educator, working with people, both on a one to one basis and with groups, inspire her to search for tools leading to the improvement of effective communication and enhancement of people’s inner talents and creativity.

She found in the field of Neuro Linguistic Programming a world of new and promising strategies for those in search of excellence. Later on, in her constant quest, she encountered Brain Gym which provided her with the kind of ‘aha’ moments which completed what she believes is ‘the’ perfect blend to apply in any personal or professional path to growth and success.

As a storyteller, Matilde believes in the ‘magic power of stories’ at the moment of shaping a new and ideal reality, overcoming obstacles or healing. She shares her skill with NGOs supporting women recovering from trauma and painful experiences.

Matilde has offered trainings to the Management staff of different companies, the official airline company & Education staff in the private sector in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Once settled in New Mexico, she has delivered Leadership workshops in Mexico, through the University of Art & Design of Santa Fe, NM.

She was the representative of the Santa Fe Community College in the Annual Meeting in Boise, Idaho, offering a Motivational presentation on Diversity.

She has delivered trainings through the T.E.S.O.L. New Mexico in their Annual Conference in Santa Fe, NM, and in Farmington, NM.


The New World of Work: Coaching Millennials and Gen Z
Nov 8 @ 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM

Speaker: Dr. Carol Richmond

Date: November 8, 2018

4:30-5:00 Arrival, sign-in, networking
5:00-6:00 Program

North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center
7521 Carmel Ave. NE
Albuquerque, NM 87113
Classroom 1

CCEUs: 0.5 in Core Competencies and 0.5 in Resource Development


As Boomers retire, Millennials are outnumbering them in the workforce. Millennials and soon Gen Z’s must work with Gen Xer’s who are new to high-level positions. Both age groups have several years less experience than their predecessors. Many Millennials are eager to start contributing, but they are unfamiliar with the new culture of work, which is being redefined as they enter it, and constantly changing, chaotic, and challenging. There is a resulting need for accelerated developmental learning activities such as coaching to help new employees and aspiring leaders fast track from basic workplace survival to successful team lead, manager, and leader. Organizations have seen the need for departing employees to mentor replacement employees, yet few have embraced this strategy.  Corporations don’t want to spend resources on new employees who won’t stay long.

Coaching Millennials and Gen Z

This presentation is about the critical need for coaching bold millennials who are floundering at Maslow’s Survival level, but eager to advance quickly, and for strategies that are transformative. Many articles have been written about Boomers leaving and the nature of the Millennial generation; the purpose of this discussion is to raise awareness for coaches of the background issues facing this new generation of workers, and the tools to help them develop into strategic, innovative, ethical leaders to take our nation forward in a complex technological world. Coaches will be better prepared to help motivated new employees in the workplace move forward more quickly and successfully.


Dr. Carol Richmond has spent her entire career as a coach, teacher and trainer in adult and organizational learning and instructional technology. An expert in distance learning (online education), she also has traveled globally, lecturing on mindfulness and life and work fulfillment.

Author, speaker, coach, and mentor, Dr. Richmond has taught the importance of living in the present moment to corporate managers, government leaders, students, and faculty at all organizational levels.

A specialist in learning and development, she has worked as a group facilitator in multiple settings, served as an interactive presenter at national conferences, and designed leadership development curricula among college students, Millennials, government employees and company executives alike. She is a published author of numerous articles on learning and mentoring and a book on Appreciative Inquiry of Persistence in Distance Learning.

Dr Richmond has pioneered presentations on finding happiness in life, brain research on positive communication, improving self-awareness, and finding your life purpose Throughout her career she has designed and taught online classes and also answered the demand for her exuberant, creative and interactive keynote presentations. From the classroom to the cruise theater, Carol Richmond engages people in exercises that connect them with their best selves to live happier and more meaningful lives.


Upgrading Trust to Energize Collaboration
Feb 27 @ 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM

Speaker: Beata Lewis

Date: February 27, 2019

4:30-5:00 Arrival, sign-in, networking
5:00-6:00 Program

North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center

CCEUs: 1 in Core Competencies


"Upgrading Trust to Energize Collaboration"Description of Program:

We’ve all experienced it: behavior that breaks trust. It stops us cold or burns us up. It feeds cynicism and defensiveness. Moving forward, an openness and creative willingness are lost. Collaboration suffers.

We know trust breakdowns in business and workplace settings are costly. Even with an espoused commitment to strengthening trust in leadership and professional relationships, we can be blind to the trust factor in persistent difficulties or “breakdowns.”

What can be better than this?

We all want to work with leaders and teams with high, resilient levels of trust. As coaches, trust dynamics are at play for all of our core competencies: setting the foundation, co-creating the relationship, communicating effectively, and facilitating learning and results. The trouble is that, when challenged, cultivating trust can quickly take a back seat to other priorities. Then before you know it, relationships have soured and the environment is somehow toxic and people don’t know what to do to make it better.

Well-intentioned, capable people can get very cynical about “flavor of the month” and patterns that resist change, no matter what “how to-s” you present. What can we do to restore trust, even in the face of enduring difficulty or difference? What does it mean for you to embody trust?

Join us to explore elements essential for upgrading and embodying trust. Together we’ll explore options for helping yourself and others “move the needle” where you now hit your limit. Join us as we get to the heart of being more of the change we wish to see in the world.


Beata Lewis, President of Bridging Lives LLC (, brings over 20-years experience providing guidance to accomplished business owners, senior leaders and knowledge professionals for transformational leadership, collaboration and sustainable growth.  As an Executive Coach and Change Consultant – with a specialization as a Master Somatic Coach – Beata loves helping leaders committed to sustainable enterprise grow in their authentic leadership with greater presence and capacity for powerful, mutually enriching partnership. A mediator and former attorney, herself, Beata is an insightful ally when you need to co-create generative solutions in tough situation and challenging relationships – like swimming with “sharks” without becoming one.


Coaching on Change: Five Factors for Change Management Success
May 23 @ 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM

Speaker: Elizabeth Roll, PCC

Date: May 23, 2019

4:30 – 6:00pm

North Domingo Baca
7521 Carmel Ave NE, Albuquerque, NM 87113
We will also be offering this program virtually
This is the first time an in-person meeting will also be offered virtually; we look forward to hearing the feedback from our participants who will attend remotely.

CCEUs: 1.5 in Core Competencies


Description of Program:

The primary task of leaders is to create change for their organizations. Issues of leading change and change management are frequent topics in coaching sessions. Organizations want change and develop exquisite change management plans, but key ingredients are missing. What are key success factors necessary for change? This talk presents five critical factors that are necessary for change initiatives to have an enduring impact and methods for coaches to engage their clients in examining change management efforts with these five factors. Participants will learn a framework for examining change management initiatives, use case studies to understand each element of the framework, and engage in an experiential coaching activity to apply and deepen their understanding of how to apply the framework in a coaching session.


Elizabeth Roll is the Senior Strategist and an Executive Coach at Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, NM. She is the lead architect for the Labs-wide strategic planning activity, consulting to the organization’s senior-most executives. Elizabeth is the Coach Lead for the Lab’s flagship leadership development program for high-potential executives. Elizabeth’s expertise is in strategic planning, change management, and leadership development. Elizabeth is a Gestalt Professional Coach, a Board Certified Coach (BCC), and the International Coaching Federation (ICF) has recognized her as a Professional Certified Coach (PCC).


Coaching Case Analysis for Practicing Coaches
Nov 7 @ 5:30 PM – 8:00 PM


Description of Program:
In this program participants will present coaching client cases, followed by an intense group exploration of the underlying themes and dynamics.

Speaker: Tünde Horváth, MA, MCC
Founder of Gestalt Coaching Center

Date: November 7, 2019
Time: 5:30 – 8:00pm
Location: 17 Firerock Road, Santa Fe, NM 87508
Cost: $30 Members / $35 Non-Members
Includes light appetizers

CCEUs: 2 in Core Competencies and .5 in Resource Development

*Maximum number of participants for this event is 12.

If you notice any of these tell-tale signs, consider bringing the case to this program:

  • As a coach I feel I’m not providing enough for the client.
  • I know I need to confront my client but for some reason I can’t.
  • I feel there’s a power struggle between myself and the client.
  • I find it difficult to keep healthy boundaries.
  • I feel exhausted after sessions.
  • I feel bored or helpless during sessions.
  • I feel I know what my client is thinking and feeling.

During the Coaching Case Analysis program, the focus will be:

  • Coaches getting in touch with processes related to the given client or topic.
  • Identifying and working with the dynamics in the relational field between coach and client.
  • Gaining clarity about the patterns that support as well as hinder the coaching work.

Participants will learn:

  • The overt and covert dynamics between coach and client.
  • How to keep the work fully aligned with the coaching agreement.
  • What constructive / destructive patterns, including inner resistances, get co-created between coach and client.
  • Strategies they can apply to assist clients in achieving sustainable change.
  • Different ways coaches can support themselves in each particular case.

Tunde HorvathAbout Tünde Horváth, MA, MCC, Founder of Gestalt Coaching Center

Tunde’s work as a leadership coach, organizational development consultant, and trainer of coaches, focuses on enhancing self-empowerment, connectedness, and finding true meaning in one’s life.

Her passion is working with women leaders to find their voices and bring out their creativity. She has studied both Gestalt therapy and organizational and leadership development. She had the privilege to personally study with Peter Senge, Otto Scharmer, Edwin Nevis, Sonia Nevis and Joseph Zinker.

She maintains an international practice from Santa Fe, NM.

Partial client list: Microsoft, Prezi, Bayer, Deloitte, Telenor, PricewaterhouseCoopers, The Rockefeller Foundation and the Walton Foundation.
