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Business Building Accountability Group: 2nd Wednesday of the month
Dec 8 @ 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM

Our Business Building Accountability Groups are running like clockwork! We continue to check in with our progress against our goals and where we could use some help. This has led to discussions where we’ve been learning social media tips from each other, providing feedback on each other’s websites, providing resources to each other, and sharing marketing ideas and insights. There’s still room in both groups. Members, associates and those not affiliated with ICFNM are welcome. Upon registration you’ll receive links to orientation materials and the facilitator will reach out to you. Groups are limited to 10 people per group.

Facilitator: Gail Summers

Date: Second Wednesday of the month
Time: 3:00 – 4:30pm
Location: Conducted via Zoom

CCEUs: 1.0 in Resource Development

Cost: Free for members / $10 for non-members

Coaching Clients Through Imposter Syndrome
Dec 15 @ 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM

Date: December 15, 2021
Time: 11:30am – 1:00pm MT
Location: Virtual meeting via Zoom

Cost: $10 ICFNM Members & Associates / $25 Non-Members

CCEUs: 1 in Core Competencies and 0.5 in Resource Development

ICF New Mexico is offering this program in collaboration with ICF Arizona



Techniques to Help Clients Navigate Self-Doubt

Imposter syndrome is a phenomenon where high-achievers think they’re inadequate and incapable. It causes smart professionals to doubt their competence, despite their accomplishments. Up to 50% of both men and women struggle with imposter syndrome weekly. Attendees will walk away with coaching techniques to help clients navigate imposter syndrome and self-doubt.

Coaches will walk away with the following:

  • Identify the signs and behaviors of imposter syndrome in clients.
  • Guide clients through reframing unhelpful thoughts.
  • Coach clients to build greater confidence in themselves.

About Melody Wilding, LMSW

Melody Wilding is the author of Trust Yourself: Stop Overthinking and Channel Your Emotions for Success at Work. Recently named one of Business Insider’s Most Innovative Coaches for her groundbreaking work on “Sensitive Strivers,” her clients include CEOs, C-level executives, and managers at top Fortune 500 companies such as Google, Amazon, and JP Morgan, among others.

Melody has been featured in The New York Times and Wall Street Journal and is a contributor to Harvard Business Review, Fast Company, Psychology Today, and Forbes.

Melody is a licensed social worker with a masters from Columbia University and a professor of Human Behavior at Hunter College. Learn more at

How to Shift to Coaching the Person and Why This is So Important Now
Jan 26 @ 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM

Date: January 26, 2022
Time: 11:30am – 1:00pm MT
Location: Virtual meeting via Zoom
(Details sent after registration)

Cost: $10 ICFNM Members & Associates / $25 Non-Members

CCEUs: 1.5 in Core Competencies

ICF New Mexico is offering this program in collaboration with ICF Arizona


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How to Shift to Coaching the Person and Why This is So Important Now

We all get stuck in our stories, especially when we experience strong emotions. This limits us from seeing possibilities and alternative solutions to what we have tried before. The neuroscientists say that there must be something external to us, outside of our minds and bodies, that disrupt our thought patterns in order can change them. When someone else adeptly challenges your reasoning and dares to ask you a question that penetrates your protective frames, there is what Marcel Proust called, an “upheaval of thought.” This turbulence can crack open the stories, allowing you to see yourself and the world around you in new ways. You will then form new stories, but the process can repeat many times even in one day.

Coaches are trained to be external thought disruptors! We coach people to see beyond the frames of their stories as a thinking partner knowing they are creative, resourceful, and whole.. They instantly see themselves and the world around them in new way. This is the gift of coaching and what differentiates us from consulting and therapy.

This session will give you the words to easily define what we do as coaches, and show you how to shift people from being stuck in their problems and stories by focusing on what they REALLY want to achieve.

Coaches don’t focus on helping people feel better; we coach so they see better!

  • Be able to articulate what you do as a coach and the impact you offer your clients.
  • Understand the value of the “coaching agreement” and how this competency can shift from coaching the problem to coaching the person.
  • Learn the essential elements for embodying a coaching mindset while in the process no matter what transpires.
  • Watch this process demonstrated and then further explore the process of coaching after the demo is competed.


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About Marcia Reynolds, Psy,D., MCC
Dr. Marcia Reynolds is a world-renowned expert on how to evoke transformation through conversations. She is the Training Director for the Healthcare Coaching Institute in North Carolina and on faculty for coaching schools in China, Russia, and the Philippines. She has spoken at conferences and taught workshops in 43 countries.

Global Gurus has recognized as one of the top 4 coaches in the world for four years. Her books include Wander Woman; Outsmart Your Brain; The Discomfort Zone; and her latest international bestseller, Coach the Person, Not the Problem. Learn more at

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SELLING Without Hype or Manipulation – Using the Core Competencies
Feb 23 @ 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM


Date: February 23, 2022
Time: 11:30am – 1:00pm MT
Location: Virtual meeting via Zoom

Cost: $10 ICFNM Members & Associates / $25 Non-Members

CCEUs: 0.5 in Core Competencies and 1 in Resource Development


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Wish you were better at closing sales?
Wish you could get more comfortable selling yourself?
Frustrated because you haven’t found a way to do that
without sounding too slick and salesy?

Denise is an expert in sales and marketing.  She can teach you how to sell by being your most authentic self … by focusing on service.  When you use the core competencies during the sales process, you will come from a place of integrity, genuine caring, and a deep desire to serve people and you’re automatically more attractive to potential clients.

In this presentation, you will learn to:

  • Talk with potential clients and customers in a way that’s
    comfortable, authentic, and has their best interests at heart.
  • Ask for the business in a straightforward and non-threatening way
    … a way that potential clients welcome.
  • Coach potential clients through any concerns or objections they may have.
    This isn’t about overcoming objections.
  • Close more sales and get comfortable with the process!

About Denise Hedges

Denise is a passionate speaker and results-oriented business development and speaking coach with over 30 years experience in public speaking, sales, and marketing. She’s traveled across the country for more than a decade, speaking to groups of business owners as small as six and to more than a thousand.

Denise has helped thousands of business owners move past any uncertainty or fear they have about sales and marketing, so they can attract more clients and make a lot more money! She absolutely loves to speak, and loves to teach coaches, consultants, and other service professionals how to use speaking to build their practices.

Denise is a dynamic speaker with an innate ability to connect deeply with audiences of a hundred or a thousand. Audience members are encouraged, motivated, and inspired by her authenticity and passion. She’s been described as a coach with a capital “C.” She holds the designation of PCC – Professional Certified Coach – one of the highest distinctions awarded by the International Coach Federation.

Denise is a certified graduate of Coach University and a member of the Coach U Faculty, teaching marketing and business development. She also holds a Masters Degree in Counseling and a BA in Psychology from the State University of New York. As a highly effective Introduction Leader trained by Landmark Education Corporation, Denise led Introductions to the Landmark Forum, a transformational program offered in more than 100 cities worldwide.

Check out her website at:


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Leveraging Polarities In Coaching
Mar 23 @ 12:30 PM – 2:00 PM


Date: March 23, 2022
Time: 12:30pm – 2:00pm (New Mexico / Mountain Time)
11:30am – 1:00pm (Arizona / Pacific Time)
Location: Virtual meeting via Zoom

Cost: $10 ICFNM Members & Associates / $25 Non-Members

CCEUs: 1 in Core Competencies and 0.5 in Resource Development


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This session will focus on key coaching applications from two recent books:
And, Making a Difference by Leveraging Polarity Paradox, and Dilemma, Volume 1 Foundations
by Barry Johnson
And, Making a Difference by Leveraging Polarity Paradox, and Dilemma, Volume 2 Applications
by Polarity Practitioners

In this session, participants will gain a clearer sense of how using Polarity Thinking in the Coaching relationship can profoundly impact the quality of Coach and Client outcomes. When a coach sees and understands the critical distinction between “Or-thinking” and “And-thinking,” they can be more effective in their work with clients who, as leaders, are necessarily involved in polarity challenges and opportunities everyday. Coach/Client ability to supplement thinking in or with thinking in and increases the likelihood clients that will attain and sustain their goals and objectives and improve the quality of the Coach/Client partnership.

Participants will learn how to:

  1. Develop a basic understanding of key polarity thinking principles.
  2. Apply understanding of polarity principles to a common polarity in the Coaching relationship.
  3. Identify common polarities Coaches encounter in their coaching work with Clients.
  4. Apply the getting unstuck process to support a scenario in which different Clients can become hooked and stuck in the a polarity tension through an over focus on one pole of a polarity.

About Cliff Kayser, PCC
Admired for progressive thinking and expertise in the area of values and dynamics of value polarities, Cliff Kayser has dedicated 25 years to leadership and organizational, executive coaching, and positive social change. Cliff is VP of Polarity Partnerships representing its east coast operations out of Washington, D.C. He is founder/president of XPERIENCE, LLC formed in 2007, which includes “Kayser Ridge,” a retreat and learning center he built in Berkeley Springs, WV.

In 2017 Mr. Kayser founded the non-profit Institute for Polarities of Democracy and in 2018 formed Sixseed, a forward-thinking healthcare coaching/consulting firm. Cliff holds two Masters Degrees from American University; one in Human Resources Management and another in Organizational Development. Upon earning his Organizational Development Master’s Degree, Cliff completed Executive Coaching training from Georgetown’s Leadership Coaching Program in 2008 and followed that with a PCC (Professional Certified Coach) designation through the International Coaching Federation (ICF).

He is a 2008 graduate of the 2-year Polarity Mastery program and has served as the dean of that program since 2014. Staying true to his roots, Cliff is a faculty member at American University’s KEY Executive Training Program and has served as a Coaching Fellow for George Mason University’s Leadership Coaching for Organization Well-Being, an ICF accredited program he helped develop in 2016.

In 2019, Cliff received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Gestalt Center for Organization & System Institute of Cleveland. Cliff has held internal positions as Vice President of Organizational Development and Training for The National Cooperative Bank (NCB), Senior Organization Development Consultant for The Washington Post, and Corporate Manager of Human Resources and Training at The Washington Post Company. Cliff has practiced Tai Chi for 25 years and frequently integrates this practice into coach and leadership training.



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Coaches Case Study
Mar 31 @ 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM

Heighten your awareness of coaching choices through a reflective and insightful review of a real coaching case while expanding your network of supportive colleagues.

This program is an in-depth group exploration of the underlying themes and dynamics of a coaching client case presented by one of the participants.

We will:

  • Get in touch with processes related to the given client or topic.
  • Identify and work with the dynamics in the relational field between coach and client.
  • Gain clarity about the patterns that support as well as hinder the coaching work.

In our journey through the process, the community will:

  • Share experiences and knowledge of coaching to support the person bringing the case and expand the learning of the group.
  • Deepen inquiry skills.
  • Learn by the reflections observed.
  • Strengthen networks and enrich practices by sharing stories, and valuing and appreciating each other’s work.

Date: March 31, 2022
Time: 4:00 – 6:00 MT
Location: Virtual meeting via Zoom
Speakers: John Ledwith and Jean Strosinski

Cost: $30 ICFNM Members & Associates / $35 Non-Members

CCEUs: 2 in Core Competencies




John Ledwith is an Executive Coach and Consultant with over 35 years’ experience coaching senior executives. He has a passion for working with bright leaders who are making a significant difference in their organizations.

John has served as adjunct faculty in both Pepperdine University’s Masters Program in Organization Development (MSOD), as well as at the Gestalt Institute of Cleveland. He is a Professional Certified Coach (PCC), holds a Masters of Science Degree in Organization Development from Pepperdine University and has studied extensively at both Gestalt Institute of Cleveland and the Gestalt International Study Center in Cape Cod.

John has previously brought numerous programs similar to the Coaches Case Study to both ICF of NM and the Pepperdine MSOD Alumni Community, as a way to increase awareness, professionalism and community.

Start with Self: Critical Role of Culture in Coaching
Apr 27 @ 12:30 PM – 2:00 PM


Date: April 27, 2022
Time: 12:30pm – 2:00 pm (New Mexico / Mountain Time)
11:30am – 1:00 pm (Arizona / Pacific Time)
Location: Virtual meeting via Zoom

Cost: $10 ICFNM Members & Associates / $25 Non-Members

CCEUs: 1 in Core Competencies and 0.5 in Resource Development


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Having just finished his coaching workshop sessions for ACC credentialing, Nagesh was eager, in his first coaching session, to contract with his client, a 30-year-old Latina executive in a large US software company.

Nagesh: “What would you like to explore in today’s session?”
Client: (after several seconds) “I am tired of being an impostor.”
Nagesh: “What aspect of being an impostor would you like to talk about today?”
Client: (silent for even longer than the first time) “I cannot ever be myself at work. ”
Nagesh: “To clarify, you want to explore how tiring it is not to be yourself at work?”
Client: “Yes.”
Nagesh: “Why is this topic important to you?”
Client: Silent for a long time, looking down dejectedly …

The client never came back for a second session. Following the ICF guidelines on direct communication, I asked the client twice and even clarified the specific topic she wished to explore in the coaching session. What had I done wrong? If I had been more culturally self-aware, I would have realized that the question, “Why is this important to you?” was devoid of empathy. A 2016 Harvard Business Review article noted that 76% of Latinos in the US corporate culture repressed their personas at work. To quote, “You’re always moderating yourself,” agrees a Latina executive, who feels Latinas “are always tagged with the emotional thing. They’re always told, ‘Calm down. You’ve got to be more cool. Be careful with your voice, be careful with your hands.'” Another executive noted that she felt like a pretzel constantly bending out of shape to adapt to the US corporate culture.

Culture matters. Culture is learned and shared attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors among a group of interacting people (Bennett, 1993). We can belong to multiple cultures based on our nationality, ethnicity, gender, class, sexual orientation, thought patterns, or how we manage conflict. As language is the way we learn and share our cultural beliefs, it becomes a cornerstone in effective coaching.

Instead of “Why is this important to you?” what if I had said, “Feeling like an impostor must be exhausting,” opening the door for the client to share her story in detail.

In the U.S. today, there is an increased appreciation of diversity, equity and inclusion in both profit and nonprofit organizations. A recent LinkedIn search showed 2000+ Chief Diversity Officer jobs. It is unclear, however, if professional coaches adapt their content and communication styles to be client centered.

In this session, we will investigate the role of culture in coaching, how we first have a deep understanding of our own cultural values and biases to effectively coach clients from diverse backgrounds and learn a few skills to be a culturally adaptive coach.

About Nagesh Rao
In three decades of consulting and training in United States, India, Brazil, United Arab Emirates, Thailand, Argentina, and Norway, Nagesh’s work uses intercultural competence, cultural humility and intercultural listening to develop leaders in health, education and business. Nagesh’s clients include Fortune 500 corporations, Johns Hopkins Medical School, University of Groningen, Manipal Hospitals and other top corporates, educational institutes and community-based non-profit organizations.






About Saumya Pant
Saumya is a global expert in strategically integrating entertainment-education programs with community-based group listening and locally available health care services. She has also worked on mobile marketing and the emergence of Generation Y and Z in India. She has worked on several projects funded by several international agencies, including Population Communication International and UNAIDS.


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The Importance of Authenticity and Engagement in Social Media
May 25 @ 12:30 PM – 2:00 PM


Date: May 25, 2022
Time: 12:30pm – 2:00pm (New Mexico / Mountain Time)
11:30am – 1:00pm (Arizona / Pacific Time)
Location: Virtual meeting via Zoom

Cost: $10 ICFNM Members & Associates / $25 Non-Members

CCEUs: 0.25 in Core Competencies and 1.25 in Resource Development


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Social media has changed – long gone are the days of perfectly curated content and accounts. It’s about connecting with your audience in meaningful and genuine ways, instigating and deepening relationships, and being of service.  In this workshop, you’ll learn how to connect with your target audience in authentic ways and how to engage them to create dialogues that can lead to potential working partnerships.

OBJECTIVES: Prosperity and business building
1) learn to engage with your audience in authentic ways
2) how to create content with heart
3) build your online confidence

About Paul Silva
Paul Silva is a spiritual business coach, helping lightworkers, energy workers, coaches, and other healers build and grow their businesses, through mentorship, consultation, and coaching. He also works with individuals who are looking to open up the spiritual space in their life so that they can make stronger, more aligned decisions that make sense in their lives. Paul works with his clients’ energy and mindset to help them create the life and/or business they can breathe and sink into. For more information, please visit



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Free Zoom Member Series – How to Get Clients and How to Convert Prospects into Clients
Jun 8 @ 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM


Date: June 8, 2022
Time: 4:30 – 6:00pm (New Mexico / Mountain Time)

: Virtual Program via Zoom

Cost: Free to ICF New Mexico members

An open discussion of How to Get Clients and How to Convert Prospects into Clients with Tips and Tricks around Technology (social media, marketing, etc).

Lisa Brewer and/or Sandra Engel will facilitate exploration around this topic, sharing members’ successes and suggestions in this area.

Bring your ideas!


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Coaching for Self Leadership I Fundamentals of IFS (Internal Family Systems) Model
Jun 22 @ 12:30 PM – 2:00 PM


Date: June 22, 2022
Time: 12:30pm – 2:00pm (New Mexico / Mountain Time)
11:30am – 1:00pm (Arizona / Pacific Time)
Location: Virtual meeting via Zoom

Cost: $10 ICFNM Members & Associates / $25 Non-Members

CCEUs: 1 in Core Competencies and 0.5 in Resource Development


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This workshop will provide an overview of the key principles of the Internal Family Systems (IFS) model and how they can be incorporated into your coaching practice. IFS is a very honoring, nonviolent model that supports the engagement of a client’s whole system rather than aligning with only the parts of the client that are ready for and embrace change.

Audience will take away:

  • Understanding of how a whole system approach to coaching can lead to greater effectiveness.
  • Learn strategies for working with highly resistant, skeptical or fearful parts of the client.
  • Develop one’s own Self energy to enhance your coaching presence.

About Brian Jaudon
Brian Jaudon is a master coach who works primarily in the business arena with senior management teams. He draws on nearly 20 years of experience with the Internal Family Systems model and has co-taught multiple courses in partnership with the IFS Institute. He is currently preparing to launch his own coaching institute later this year drawing on his innovative coaching methodology based on 25 years of experience in the industry. Website: / Email:



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