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Staying Out of Ethical Hot Water – What Are Your Ethical Blind Spots?
Sep 27 @ 12:30 PM – 2:00 PM

September 27, 2023
Time: 12:30pm – 2:00pm (New Mexico / Mountain Time)
11:30am – 1:00pm (Arizona / Pacific Time)
Location: Virtual meeting via Zoom

Cost: $10 ICFNM Members & Associates / $25 Non-Members

CCEUs:  1.5 in Core Competencies


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This training focuses on coach development – as human beings – we all have blind spots and many times, ethical blind spots as coaches.  Participants will have an opportunity to take a closer look at themselves and their personal filters.  A coach specific ethical decision-making model will be shared that supports coaches in uncovering blind spots that could potentially get their way. In this 90-minute program, participants will also review a challenging ethical dilemma, determine potential breaches of the ethics code and identify opportunities for “course correction” throughout the dilemma, with a question-and-answer session to follow.

About Tina Elliot
Tina Elliot MBA, PCC, BCC is a member and a Professional Certified Coach through the International Coaching Federation (ICF), and a Board-Certified Coach through the Center for Credentialing & Education. She holds an MBA in Business Administration and has served as an ICF Global Committee Member on numerous committees and task forces. She is a faculty member at Institute for Life Coach Training and an Ethics Educator at The University of Texas at Dallas.

Tina is a Coaching Ethics Specialist with over 18 years of ethics experience including: Past Board Member on the ICF’s Independent Review Board processing ethical complaints, creating ethics education and ongoing updates to the ICF Code of Ethics. She is passionate about ethics and provides in depth ethics training for coaches so they may learn how to Stay Out of Ethical Hot Water as a coach.

Email: tina@synergyc


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Questions? Need Assistance with Events?
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The Science of Emotions
Mar 19 @ 12:30 PM – 2:00 PM

March 19, 2024
Time: 12:30pm – 2:00pm (New Mexico / Mountain Time)
11:30am – 1:00pm (Arizona / Pacific Time)
Location: Virtual meeting via Zoom
Speaker: J.D. Pincus, Ph.D & Ali Rayfield, ACC

Cost: $10 ICFNM Members & Associates / $25 Non-Members

CCEUs: 0.25 in Core Competencies and 1.25 in Resource Development

Neuroscience has conclusively demonstrated that the decisions we make are driven first and foremost by our emotions, not by our rational thoughts. But there has been no practical way to measure emotions. until now.

In this workshop, you will learn about the Emotional Revolution, connection between emotions and motivation and a new ground-breaking tool, called AgileBrain, being used to measure a client’s emotional state.

AgileBrain has been validated to measure human emotions much more accurately than traditional (rational) assessments and surveys. Use it yourself to get in touch with your emotions. Use it in your practice to tap into the power and insight of your clients’ emotions.

Learning Objectives:

  • An understanding of a new approach for measuring emotions that integrates motivational theory and neuroscience.
  • Experience the AgileBrain assessment and receive a complimentary emotional profile.
  • Breakout into small group sessions to explore what those emotional responses may mean and how to prompt powerful conversations with your clients.


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About the Presenters

J.D. Pincus, Ph.D. is Chief Innovation Officer at AgileBrain, focusing on emerging methods for measuring emotion and motivation. He developed the unified pyramid model of human motivation and the AgileBrain measurement technique. He recently published the motivational model in the peer-reviewed journal Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science, and the application of the pyramid model to the problem of Employee Engagement and Employee Well-being. His seminal article on the concept of motivation in applied psychology, published in the Journal of Consumer Behaviour, has been cited in 187 subsequent papers. He is a Fellow of the Employee Benefit Research Institute, a Washington DC-based think tank. He was named Researcher of the Year by PMRG and named to the Power List by Senior Market Advisor magazine. His book, AgileBrain: Mastering the 12 Emotional Needs that Drive Us, is slated for publication in early 2024. Read more at

In Ali Rayfield’s previous career, she was a successful executive and rose the ranks to be Chief Revenue Officer at an AdTech start-up.

From the outside looking in, her career trajectory looked glorious. Ali enjoyed her work; but she also felt isolated. Ali struggled with finding balance and fulfillment in what she was doing.

With the help of a coach, Ali started paying attention to where she was getting lit up. It was always in support of helping others. It came so easy for her to help her colleagues and team find their voice, discover their authentic leadership style and conquer imposter syndrome (aka – that pesky little voice inside that tells you that you’re not good/smart/qualified enough).

Ali made the decision to leave her successful career and help Leaders tackle their own. She believes that Leadership comes naturally up to a certain point — then it takes conscious effort to develop your authentic style and communicate that effectively.

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Questions? Need Assistance with Events?
please contact Kelly Johnson at